There s nothing more annoying than a person trying to tell you something, yet you can t understand what he’s talking about. The same goes for your inner self. Being indecisive is frustrating and feeding this habit will only be futile to your quest of searching for career goal answers. The more detailed you are with your plans, the better.
The first step Setting your goal will be the first step. It is when you clarify, list down, and construct the step-by-step process on how to achieve your dreams. This also the time that you will need to reflect, not only about your past achievements or frustrations but also about your future worries and angsts.
When people around you are sometimes confused of what you’re up to, what makes you think that what you really want is clear to you, even without a clear goal. Your whole being, all of your senses, should be one in achieving your goal. 2. Be positive. Goals, right from the start, should be positive. It’s common to see “tips” in almost everything to be set in two folds: the do’s, and the don’ts.
Doing so would enable you to perform a simple reality check. Check on yourself, the situation, the available resources, your skills and the overall backdrop. This would enable you to check on the feasibility and your progress on achieving the goal you have set yourself. Overall, successful people have attained success because they learned how to meet and achieve their goals.
Any goal that is not measurable and specific can never be attained. How would you know that your goals are attainable? Easy. If the financial component of your project, plan, or goal, is larger than the source of your finance, then there is problem. Or perhaps the load of the work resulted in company planning you have just attended is too much with the present manpower in your company, then the goal you have set is not smart because it s not attainable.
For instance, you have to attain a specific standard of expertise with your chosen field of profession, then you’ll need to undergo extensive training to develop the part of your academic field that is wanting. Extensive because, usually, goal setting during this period, is really an effort to race against time; to compensate for the lost opportunities earlier and to set a professional goal.
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